A short history of time - by James Archer
An evening of sketches presenting the gospel from Genesis to Revelation
Introduction including an extract from Messiah by Georg Handel
Angel Space by Paul Burbridge and Murray Watts from Lightning Sketches, published by Hodder & Stoughton
Paradise Lost
One Man and His Dog
Field Trip to the Sinai Desert
The Cycle of the Old Testament including two songs from Songs and Hymns of Fellowship
Kiss and Make Up
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Using Your Loaf by Nigel Forde, from Laughter in Heaven, published by Hodder & Stoughton
Fresh Bread by Stairs & Whispers Theatre Company, from Drama for All the Family, published by Kingsway Publications
Take This, including a song from Songs and Hymns of Fellowship
For the Good of the Team, by Paul Burbridge and Murray Watts, from Lightning Sketches, published by Hodder & Stoughton
Song - Were You There? American Folk Hymn
Nailed! by Barbara Sumner, from Drama for All the Family, published by Kingsway Publications
Dance with Colours by Ruth Green
The Newcomer, by [ ] from Drama for All the Family, published by Kingsway Publications
The Case of the Missing Corpse by Lance Pierson, from Drama for All the Family, published by Kingsway Publications
A Farewell Present, by Colin Mengell, from Drama for All the Family, published by Kingsway Publications
Getting our Acts Together
Born Free
Song – The Man of Galilee, by Linda Rich, from Fresh Sounds
One for Me and None for You, by Paul Burbridge and Murray Watts, from Time to Act, published by Hodder & Stoughton
The Claims of Christ, by [ ], from Drama for All the Family, published by Kingsway Publications
Conclusion, including an extract from Messiah by Georg Handel
All sketches and linkages are by James Archer unless otherwise attributed.
The Archangel Gabriel acts as Master of Ceremonies at various points during the evening, as well as appearing in a number of sketches, and introduces linkages where necessary. He has an eyrie backstage from which he can observe the action. Otherwise there is no need for consistent characters through the evening, and it is important to ensure that the variety of presentations and speeds is maintained.
A number of the sketches have been shortened slightly from their original version (without losing the gist) or tailored to fit into the evening. Licenses are required to perform: in front of a paying audience any sketches which have been published; and in any circumstances for a nominal fee sketches from Time to Act, Lightning Sketches, Laughter in Heaven and Red Letter Days. Other items do not require a performing licence.
All published sketches are subject to copyright.
If you cannot trace original sketches or do not have performing rights, then find or write alternatives or cut if it does not feel essential.
Because of length, separate files and web pages are used for each of the three acts of this evening.
Editable and printable versions