No Room! - by James Archer
Cast: Joseph, outside without any speaking; three innkeepers, in the room near three outside doors, who will need to speak loudly so that they can be heard.
Joseph, who is outside, knocks loudly on one of the doors.
Innkeeper 1: (Opens the door) Sorry, mate, all full. No room. Best of luck finding somewhere – you’ll need it. Cheerio! (Shuts door firmly. Joseph moves to the next door and knocks loudly on it)
Innkeeper 2: (Opens the door) No! No room! Not a chance! Goodbye! (Shuts door firmly. Joseph moves on to the third door and knocks loudly on it)
Innkeeper 3: (Opens the door) Can’t you read?! It says “NO VACANCIES”! Go away!!! (Slams door in Joseph’s face)
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