The call of Jeremiah - by James Archer
This is designed as an enacted extract form an all-age service.
Cast: The service leader; a teenage Jeremiah in the congregation. Change the name of the service leader to the person's actual name.
Leader I am now going to ask Jeremiah to lead the next part of our service. (No-one moves. Leader points at a boy of pathfinder age, and addresses him including his surname.) Yes, you, Jeremiah ……………… Out you come!
Jeremiah Hang on a minute, Robin. I don’t know what to say
Leader That’s OK. I’ll tell you what to say.
Jeremiah Look, Robin, I’m only a schoolkid.
Leader I know. But you’re the right person for the job.
Jeremiah Can’t you find someone else? I really don’t want to do it.
Leader That’s enough excuses. Do exactly what I tell you, and don’t be afraid – I will stay with you and sort out any problems. Now, Jeremiah, look at this. (Holds up watch) – what do you see?
Jeremiah A watch.
Leader That is right – for I am watching to see that you do what I tell you. Now, read out this verse (gives him a card with the verse and song on) and then announce this song…………………..
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