New Testament dramas
Dramas in this section are presented in order of when they first appear in the Bible. There are separate pages for Christmas dramas and Passion & Easter dramas.
Fishing Two versions of Jesus calling the first disciples from Matthew 4, Mark 1 and Luke 5
The meek shall inherit the earth A notice based on the beatitude from Matthew 5:5
Rise and shine Letting our light shine, based on Matthew 5:14-16
Gardeners' Question Time Jesus' teaching on recognising fruits, based on Matthew 7:15-19
The walrus and the carpenter The parable of the wise and foolish builders from Matthew 7, in verse
Fields are ripe for harvest A mime and notice sandwich based on Matthew 9:37-38
Keep it in the family Jesus' mother and brothers, based on Matthew 12, Mark 3 and Luke 8
The parable of the unforgiving servant The parable from Matthew 18:21-35 dramatised
The parable of the two daughters Adaptation of the parable of the two sons from Matthew 21
No rent The parable of the tenants in the vineyard, based on Matthew 21, Mark 12 and Luke 20
The roof’s coming in The healing of a man let down through the roof, based on Mark 2
The pigman’s story The healing of Legion from Mark 5 and Luke 8
A busy day Jairus’ daughter and the woman with bleeding, enacted from Mark 5 and Luke 8
The rich young ruler The story from Mark 10 and Luke 18
Bartimaeus A blind man receives his sight, based on Mark 11:46-52
Pharisee A monologue based on Luke 7:36-50
Queen of tarts Village gossip about Mary anointing Jesus with oil, based on Luke 7:36-50
The good Samaritan An update of the parable from Luke 10
Knock and the door shall be opened Jesus teaches about prayer, based on Luke 11:1-10
The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector The parable updated, based on Luke 18
Emmaus Road An update of Jesus appearing to two disciples from Luke 24
Unfaithful wife story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer about the unfaithful wife in John 8:3-11
Blind man's bluff A dramatic version of the healing from John 9
Blind man story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer about the blind man in John 9
The I ams of Jesus A list of bible extracts, mostly from John
Peter story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer about Peter in John 21
Getting our acts together An abbreviated reading from Acts 1-13 emphasising the communal nature of church
Up before the beak The trial of Peter, John and the healed beggar based on Acts 4
Simon story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer about Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8
Ethiopian story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer about the Ethiopian official in Acts 8
Shaggy dog story Peter, Cornelius and the message of God from Acts 10-11, told as a shaggy dog story
Cornelius story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer about Cornelius in Acts 10-11
The Two Ronnies Peter's miraculous escape from prison, from Acts 12, along with Ronnie Corbett
Eye trouble afoot The eye looks down the nose at the foot, based on 1 Corinthians 12
Dear Galatian idiots The apostle Paul writes a letter - Galatians