Fields are ripe for harvest - by James Archer
Based on Matthew 9:37-38
This sketch takes the form of a mime sandwich, with an announcer repeating the theme almost like a chorus. The words of the appealers should be adapted to suit local circumstances, and it is suggested that there should be no more than four, starting with local needs and developing a more global outlook.
At the outset, a number of people (at least three), dressed as sheaves of corn (perhaps in different cereal packets?) stand on stage, waving gently in the breeze.
Announcer (at lectern) Jesus said, "See, the fields are ripe for harvest, but the labourers are few. Pray that the Lord will send out more labourers to his harvest."
Mime Labourers - one less than the number of sheaves - arise from the congregation to harvest the sheaves, cutting them loose and leading them away. Symbolic harvesting tools such as a bible, cross or dove could be used, or perhaps a dog-collar. The process of harvesting could include showing them the bible/cross or blessing with the dove. One sheaf remains unharvested and left alone, and after a while becomes overripe, withers and dies. Exit.
Appealer 1 The parenting course on Wednesday mornings is attracting many people who would not normally come to church, and we are seeing God touching people's lives. But we need more helpers, especially to look after the children, so that we can give more time to each person who comes. There is so much to do.
or: The Alpha course on Thursday evenings are attracting people who would not normally come to church, and we are seeing God touching people's lives. But we need you to invite your friends, and we need more helpers, especially for the catering, so that we can give more time to each person who comes. There is so much to do.
Announcer See, the fields are ripe for harvest, but the labourers are few. Pray that the Lord will send out more labourers to his harvest.
Appealer 2 Many of the patients in the City Hospital are lonely and frightened and are open to talk and think about spiritual matters. The staff are overstretched, and cannot spend the time with each patient that they would like. We need people who will come as visitors on a regular basis to listen, talk and pray. There is so much to do.
or: Six months after Friday's youth club was opened, youngsters from the neighbourhood are starting to ask questions as they get to know us and to see that we care for them. We need volunteers who will come along on a regular basis on Friday evenings to join in with what is happening. There is so much to do.
Announcer See, the fields are ripe for harvest, but the labourers are few. Pray that the Lord will send out more labourers to his harvest.
Appealer 3 Both local and central government are becoming more and more dominated by financial constraints, and many difficult decisions have to be taken. We need Christians in positions of power and influence who can help to direct our nation in the ways of justice and peace. There is so much to do.
Announcer See, the fields are ripe for harvest, but the labourers are few. Pray that the Lord will send out more labourers to his harvest.
Appealer 4 God is doing exciting things through Christ Church to Poland and is giving local Christians the vision to reach out to those around them. We need people who can give time and energy to take the work forward in faith. There's so much to do.
Announcer See, the fields are ripe for harvest, but the labourers are few. Pray that the Lord will send out more labourers to his harvest.
Appealer 4 Through large parts of the Middle East and North Africa there are hardly any Christians, it is illegal for anyone to convert to Christ, and Christians face persecution, abandonment and death. Here the fields are far from ripe for harvest - just a few lone ploughmen and sowers preparing the ground and planting seed. There's so much to do. Pray that the Lord will send out labourers to his fields.
Mime: The mime at the start is repeated, though without the announcer's opening lines. When there is just one sheaf left and it is obvious that no-one is coming to harvest it, the announcer calls out:
Announcer Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go out for us?" And I said, "Here I am; send me!"
Mime: The announcer comes down from the lectern and harvests the remaining sheaf. Exeunt.
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