Christmas dramas
All her fault Joseph's father reflects bitterly on the disgrace and the damage to the family
Angels, shepherds and sheep A dramatised reading from Luke 2:8-20
Christmas bidding A bidding prayer for Christmas
Christmas revisited An updated Christmas bible reading
Gabriel’s message A monologue by Gabriel followed by choir practice for the audience
Gabriel’s visits A monologue by Gabriel telling of his Christmas visits
In the beginning A multi-lingual reading from Genesis 1 and John 1
Kiss and make up Joseph has just discovered that Mary is pregnant
No room Three innkeepers answer the door
Posada handover Guess who Handover of travelling Posada figures for church or school
Posada handover Knock knock Handover of travelling Posada figures of Mary and Joseph for home
Ready A monologue by Anna 12 years later covering both Jesus's visitts to the
temple while a child
Realpolitik King Herod explains his actions
Refugees A dramatised reading of parts of Matthew 2:13-23
Rumour monger A newspaper vendor in Jerusalem spreads rumours at the time of the wise
men's visit
The Child Carrier’s Tale A monologue by Elizabeth when six months pregnant
The Innkeeper’s Daughter A monologue in three parts – Christmas (risqué), Herod’s massacre (chilling), Good Friday (redeeming)
Sheepdog's Tale A monologue by a sheepdog which was guarding the sheep near Bethlehem
Three Wise Men A simple interactive search for the newborn king
Two Wise Owls Simeon and Anna at the temple - as either a drama or a dramatised reading
Uncle Zac’s special day A monologue about the angel’s appearance to Zachariah
Who’d be a mother? A monologue by the mother of Mary
Zachariah story of hope Reading from Luke 1:11-20 with Zachariah's perspective and a prayer