Old Testament Dramas
Dramas in this section are listed in order of where they appear in the bible.
In the beginning (Genesis/Job) A medley of readings mainly from Genesis 1 and Job 38
The story of creation The story of creation in verse - Genesis 1
Paradise Lost Adam and Eve in rhyming couplets - Genesis 3
Abraham story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer based on Genesis 12
One man and his dog God and his favourite sheepdog Abraham - Genesis
Moses story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer based on Exodus 3
Field trip to the Sinai Desert Teacher Moses with his whining class - Exodus
Hannah story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer based on 1 Samuel 1
A disturbed night The calling of Samuel - 1 Samuel 3
David and Goliath David and Goliath - 1 Samuel 17
Elijah story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer based on 1 Kings 19
David story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer based on Psalm 51
Psalm medley A consolidated psalm with verses from many different psalms
His love endures for ever An adaptation of Psalm 136 as an antiphonal reading including a good news story
The call of Jeremiah The call of Jeremiah - Jeremiah 1
Bonfire Night Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace - Daniel 3
Jonah, where are you? The story of Jonah - Jonah 1-4
The Litany of the Old Testament A fast forward from Moses to Malachi