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Fishing - by James Archer

(Change the names of the fishermen and the river as appropriate.)


Scene 1


Enter one or two fishermen, with equipment, dressed in sou'westers etc.  They set up their stall, hang out their lines, and stare blankly at the surface of the water.


Narrator   As Jesus was walking beside the river Ver, he saw George (and his brother Michael) sitting on the bank with their                     fishing rods, for they were fishermen.  (Enter Jesus, carrying a large scroll)  And he said to them:


Jesus        Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!  (Absolutely no response - fishermen continue to stare blankly as               before)


Narrator   And again he said to them:


Jesus        (Tapping them on the shoulder)  Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!


George    Come off it, mate!  Can't you see, I'm busy.  (Returns to blank stare.  Jesus shrugs shoulders and walks off.  After a                    while, George and Michael pack up their things and go.)


Scene 2


Enter one or two fishermen, with equipment, dressed in sou'westers etc.  They set up their stall, hang out their lines, and stare blankly at the surface of the water.


Narrator   As Jesus was walking beside the river Ver, he saw George (and his brother Michael) sitting on the bank with their                     fishing rods, for they were fishermen.  (Enter Jesus, carrying a large scroll)  And he said to them:


Jesus        Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!


Narrator   And immediately they left their rods and followed him.  (Fishermen rise and talk to Jesus.  He hands them the scroll,                   and departs.  They open up the scroll, and show it to the congregation.  It is headed "Alpha invitations still to be                       distributed", after which are set out the names of the roads still outstanding)


George    I'd (We'd) better be getting on with it then.  Looks as if we could do with a hand.  (To congregation)  Anyone                         prepared to help then?  (Depart)

Printable and editable Word version

©2018 James Archer. May be copied and used for free performance.  For performance with a paying audience please make an appropriate donation to Church Army (

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