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Bartimaeus by James Archer


Based on Mark 11:46-52

Cast:  Introducer, two market stallholders, three people in crowd, Jesus, Bartimaeus, other crowd members (members of the congregation).  Crowd 2 is a Pharisee.  Bartimaeus is in the congregation near one of the aisles, and will need a radio mike.  The PA operator will need to know what is happening.

Scene:  A square in Jericho on market day.  Bartimaeus, a blind man, is in his usual spot begging from the passing crowds.  The first three speeches in both versions are overlapping, with the two marketeers competing for attention and Bartimaeus bleating plaintively.

Printable and editable Word version


Marketeer 1


Marketeer 2


Marketeer 1


Marketeer 2


Crowd 1


Crowd 1


Crowd 2

Crowd 3


Crowd 2



Crowd 1





(calls crowd from the congregation)  I want you to imagine that you are in St Peter's Street on a Saturday morning.....

King Edward potatoes, five pounds a sack.  You can't do better than that.  Best King Edwards, five pounds a sack (etc)........

Spare some change, sir?  Please help the blind?  Thank you madam. God bless you. Can anyone spare some change? (etc)........

Fresh picked apples, straight from the orchard.  Two pounds a dozen.  Picked this morning, English Golden Delicious (etc).......

Thank you.  Now, imagine that the scene moves to the market square in Jericho, one spring morning nearly two thousand years ago.  The controversial preacher, Jesus of Nazareth - where is Jesus? (Jesus waves); right, can I have quite a few of the crowd around him and following him, asking for an autograph, a story, a miracle - is walking through the town on his way to Jerusalem.......

Lovely ripe oranges, three for a shekel.  You can't do better than that.  Best Jaffa oranges, three for a shekel (etc)........

Spare some change, sir?  Please help the blind?  Thank you madam. God bless you. Can anyone spare some change? (etc)........

Fresh picked figs, straight from the orchard.  Two shekels a dozen.  Picked this morning, Jericho figs (etc).......

(Enter Jesus, surrounded by swirling crowds.  Bartimaeus is nearly knocked over)

Ouch!  Mind my foot!

Sorry, mate.  Didn't see you, so many people around.

What's going on?  I can't see.  Please, what's happening?

Didn't you know?  It's Jesus of Nazareth.  He's going to Jerusalem.

(To himself) Jesus of Nazareth.  The chance I've been waiting for.  He's so close I can hear him (Loudly)  Son of David!  Have mercy on me!

Don't call him Son of David.  He's not the Messiah.

Quiet over there.  We can't hear what the prophet is saying.

(Even louder)  Son of David!  Take pity on me!

Be quiet, blind man!

Son of David!  Have mercy!

Bring him here to me!

Cheer up!  On your feet!  He's calling you.

(Bartimaeus jumps up and gropes his way forward.  Crowd help him)

What do you want me to do for you?

Oh, Master, let me see again.

Receive your sight!  Your faith has healed you.

Light!  Trees!  People!  I can see!  Oh thank you, Master, thank you!  (Jesus starts to move off)  Praise the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me praise his holy name!  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!  Praise the name of the Lord!  He has healed me and I can see!  (Moves off after Jesus) Praise the Lord!  Praise the Lord! (etc).......

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