Passion and Easter dramas
Passion service A complete service including dramas and liturgy from Palm Sunday to Good Friday
The Passover Story from 7 angles A collection of monologues and simple dramas telling the story from Palm Sunday to Easter
From Our Own Correspondent A BBC news team report from Passover week
The Verger A temple verger sees Jesus at work
Take this Forgiveness, based on the Last Supper (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13)
The Olive Grove The apostle John worries about Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 18)
The servant girl A monologue by the girl who challenged Peter while Jesus was on trial (Mt 26, Mk 14, Lk
Good Friday service A complete service including dramas and liturgy for Good Friday
Day of the cross Dramatised reading medley from Luke 23, Mt 27, Mk 15, Jn 19, Isaiah 53 and Ps 22
Emmaus Road An update of Jesus appearing to two disciples from Luke 24
Peter story of hope Reading, commentary and prayer about Peter in John 21
The freedom fighter A monologue in four parts by the penitent thief from Luke 23