Other dramas
These dramas are presented in alphabetical order of title.
Athanasian Creed The ancient statement of the doctrine of the Trinity translated and dramatised
Born Free An anarchist, a bore and Jesus explain their philosophy of life
Build your Church A phone-in programme on building the church
Disrupting the Church Screwtape seeks advice from Woodworm on how to disrupt the church
Imagine - Jesus and Barack Obama An imaginary conversation just after Obama's election victory
Imagine - Jesus and Osama bin Laden An imaginary conversation about holiness, hatred and love
Imagine - Jesus and Richard Dawkins An imaginary conversation about the existence of God
Imagine - Jesus and Tess of the d'Urbervilles An imaginary conversation about love and a troubled life
Imagine - Jesus reviews TV A TV review of Wife Swap, Faking It and Big Brother
Rough Justice A good man and a crook in court for their sins
Shopping Reasons not to shop - a parable of why people don't go to church
A Short History of Time A three-act revue evening of dramatic sketches forming the story of the bible
The Bible in Brief A condensed version of the bible in its own words in order - in about 150 verses
The Parable of Piglet and Eeyore Piglet takes Eeyore a balloon for his birthday
The Parable of the Man who loved Ants A parable of the incarnation
What can I gain? Moving from a consuming culture to a giving culture in the church